Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua cigars are a remarkable achievement, as they represent the first-ever interpretation of the original blend from 1935, nearly a century after the first Montecristo cigar was handcrafted. To accomplish this feat, blending talent from the Grupo de Maestros, A.J. Fernandez, and Rafael Nodal, Tabacalera USAs Head of Product Capability, was required. The challenge was to create Nicaraguan tobaccos that could emulate the classic characteristics, construction, and balanced flavors of the original Cuban Montecristo. The blend, made at A.J. Fernandezs San Lotano factory in Ocotal, Nicaragua, is kept secret, but it results in a full smoke with a well-balanced mix of pepper, sweet spice, black coffee, and leather. The 1935 Anniversary Nicaraguan No. 2 was awarded the #2 Cigar of the Year in 2021 by Cigar Aficionado Magazines prestigious top 25 cigar list. This top-quality smoke earned an astounding rating of 95 out of 100, a well-deserved honor.
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