To commemorate Tabacalera La Auroras impressive 107 years in the cigar business, La Aurora 107 cigars were born. Crafted by the skilled hands of Guillermo Leon, these cigars feature a blend of carefully ed Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers, held together by a Dominican binder, and wrapped in a luxurious Ecuadorian-grown leaf. These medium-bodied cigars initially greet your palate with a woody and peppery introduction, but as you savor them, they transform into a more creamy, earthy, and nutty smoke. The nuanced flavors of nutmeg, cinnamon, and caramel gradually surface, creating a rich and complex cigar experience. In essence, La Aurora 107 cigars offer a celebration of 107 years of exceptional cigar craftsmanship. Acquiring a box is a fitting way to honor this tradition of greatness.

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