Casa Blanca cigars made in Dominican Republic. Mild to medium cigar line. Hailing from Santiago, Dominican Republic, the Casa Blanca is a handmade cigar with a mellow to medium strength range that delivers a smooth drag, creamy taste, and flavorful punch that lingers in your memory. The Casa Blanca cigars are available in two main varieties – EMS and Maduro – with the former featuring a silky Connecticut Broadleaf/Shade leaf, and the latter boasting a very dark, yet mellow-tasting leaf. Both varieties offer an exceptional smoking experience that is hard to forget. The Casa Blanca line is not only popular among customers, but it is also widely regarded as one of the best mellow-bodied blends to come out of Santiago. If you are a mellow smoker in search of a smooth and flavorful experience, look no further than Casa Blanca. Whether you choose to fill up your humidor or light up a single stick, you simply cannot go wrong with this outstanding smoke.

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