CAO Flavours Mellow Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. Discover CAO Internationals vibrant ion of premium flavored cigars, arguably the best in the world. With six unique blends, CAO Flavored cigars are complex and delicious, satisfying even the most refined cigar connoisseur. The popular CAO Bella Vanilla and Moontrance blends offer exotic flavors, with Moontrance blending fruit and bourbon vanilla extract, and Bella Vanilla featuring vanilla beans from Madagascar. If these flavors dont pique your interest, explore CAOs other options: CAO Cherrybomb delivers a delectable combination of sweet and tart cherries, black currant, and creamy vanilla. CAO Gold Honey infuses the worlds finest orange blossom honey into its high-quality tobacco blend, creating a unique and delightful taste. CAO Eileens Dream is smooth and sweet, boasting Irish cream, chocolate truffles, and whiskey. CAO Flavours use a premium tobacco blend infused with 100% natural fruit ingredients.

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