CAO Consigliere Full Strength cigars made in Nicaragua. The CAO Consigliere cigar series is a super-premium edition that boasts a flavor profile thats simply irresistible. Crafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, these cigars are comprised of a blend of top-quality long-fillers from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, a Honduran binder, and a delectable, dark Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper that is sure to tantalize the taste buds. The smoke is rich and creamy, with a complex array of flavors including earth, sweet spices, cedar, roasted nuts, and a hint of cappuccino. The CAO Consigliere strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and full-bodied strength, making it an excellent choice for cigar enthusiasts seeking a medium-full smoke at a reasonable price. Pair it with a cup of espresso, and youll have the perfect setup for an unforgettable smoking experience. So dont start the party without the Consigliere!

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