Ashton Symmetry Full Strength cigars made in Dominican Republic. Ashton Symmetry cigars are a premium line of cigars that are highly regarded by cigar aficionados worldwide.The Ashton Symmetry line was introduced in 2014 and quickly became one of the most sought-after cigars in the market. The cigars are made using a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, which is then wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. This combination of high-quality tobacco results in a medium to full-bodied smoke that is rich in flavor and aroma. The construction of Ashton Symmetry cigars is flawless, with each cigar being expertly hand-rolled by skilled artisans. Ashton Symmetry cigars are known for their complexity and balance, with notes of leather, earth, and cedar, complemented by hints of spice, coffee, and dark chocolate. The smoke is smooth and creamy, with a long finish that leaves a pleasant aftertaste in your mouth.
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